2024 - HEMA Buying Guide
Being a newer club with many new members we get asked quite often “what should we buy”? Truth is there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but I’m hoping that this will give you a starting point. There are two types of gear list, training and tournament. There are several places to buy equipment, but if you want one reliable place to get tested and approved equipment, I recommend Purpleheart Armoury.
Beginner Longsword Kit
When you are ready to purchase your own equipment, this is a good place to start. These are not necessarily the best options on the market or the best options for you, but these work for most people.
Fencing Mask - Absolute Force Mask - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/af.mask.basic.htm
Longsword Gloves - SPES Lobster Heavy Gloves - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/spes-gloves.v3.htm
Absolute Force Chest Protector (Optional) - https://www.woodenswords.com/Absolute_Force_Chest_Protector_p/af.chest.htm
Synthetic Longsword (Optional) - https://www.woodenswords.com/Meyer_Federschwert_Longsword_p/type-iii-f.g.htm
Steel Longsword - Regenyei Feder - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/ra.ls.std.med.htm
Longsword Jacket - SPES AP Plus Mens - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/spes-jp-m.htm
Longsword Jacket - SPES AP Light Women - https://www.woodenswords.com/SPES_AP_Light_Womens_Jacket_350N_p/spes-j.w.lt.htm
Tournament Longsword Kit
First, every tournament has it’s own set of rules and required equipment. Check their details and adjust accordingly. You’re and adult you know this. However, this kit will cover pretty much everything additional you will need or want for a longsword tournament.
Pants - SPES Light fencing pants - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/spes-p.lf.plus.htm
Gorget - Roughneck Gorget - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/pha.gorget.roughneck.htm
Back of head - SPES Mask Cover - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/spes-unity.350.htm
Elbow Guards - SPES Hard Elbow Guards - https://www.woodenswords.com/SPES_Hard_Elbow_Guards_Pair_p/spes-elbow-h.htm
Forearms Guards - SPES Forearm Guards (Short) - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/pha.forearm.short.htm
Knee Guards - SPES Knee Guards - https://www.woodenswords.com/SPES_Hard_Knee_Guards_Pair_p/spes-knee-h.htm
Shin Guards - SPES Shin Guards - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/spes-shin-h.htm
Long socks to cover skin - Purple Heart or any other brand - https://www.woodenswords.com/product_p/pha-socks.blk.htm
There are many many options you have out there, especially when it comes to steel swords and jackets. This is not the definitive guide, but it’s a good starting point that I know works. Much of this is gear I personally use or have used in the past. Switching the jacket out for a different style that fits you better, as long as it’s 350n or 800n go ahead. If you really hate the lobster gloves, go with the Black Knight or the Mitten style, your choice. Test as much equipment out as possible and find out what you like but also keeps you safe.
If you have questions or comments, join our discord.